Questions? We have answers.

Every case is unique. The depth and length of damage matters, as does the question of whether the window contains electronic elements. 
In general though, if the chip is small (1 1/2 inch or less) a repair can be done. More damage such as cracks requires a window replacement.

Prices vary depending on your vehicle make/model. Contact us for a free quote.

Yes. Another Brother Auto Glass will work with you and your insurance company to make the process convenient for you.

You may have a deductible to meet. Contact your insurance agent for more information. 

Yes. You can bring your vehicle to our location, or our mobile unit will come to you.

Repairs take on average 30 minutes or less. However, we recommend you wait an hour after the service before driving the vehicle.
A window replacement can take up to an 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours. (Recommended wait time of 30 minutes is included in that estimated time.)

We recommend waiting an hour after repair service before your drive. With a side window repair/replacement, you may be able to drive away immediately.

Yes. Our professional technicians will safely remove your rearview mirror and reattach it to the new glass as part of your service.

We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. 

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